• On-screen Digitising
  • Cephalometric Analysis
  • Surgical Prediction
  • Predictive Photo Morphing
  • Convenient Data Storage


March 2nd, 2014

Digitising Demo

This video starts from scratch and finishes with a tracing.

The steps shown are:

  • Create a patient folder.
  • Create an x-ray montage.
  • Import a cephalometric radiograph into the montage by dragging and dropping from Windows Explorer.
  • Open the ceph. in Opal Image Viewer.
  • Digitise using Opal Image Viewer.
  • Save the ceph. back (storing the digitised points with it).
  • Open the automatically generated digitising in Opal Tracing to complete it.


Morphing Demo

This video demonstrates how to create a prediction montage from a profile photo and a tracing.

The steps shown are:

  • Create a photo montage.
  • Import a profile photo into the montage by dragging and dropping from Windows Explorer.
  • Open the photo in Opal Image Viewer.
  • Digitise points on the photo in preparation for superimposing the x-ray tracing on the photo.
  • Save the photo with its digitised points.
  • Open an x-ray tracing.
  • Connect the tracing and the photo together by dragging and dropping the tracing's date label onto the photo.
  • Do some interactive surgical prediction on the tracing (a mandibular ramus osteotomy).
  • Notice that the photo changes to reflect the changes in the tracing.
  • Click on the 'Save' button in Opal Tracing.
  • Notice that because we have a tracing and associated photo open at the same time, a special wizard is displayed.
  • The wizard guides the user through the process of saving both the modified tracing and the modified photo. It also automatically creates a prediction montage.
  • Close the tracing and the photo windows.
  • Double-click on the prediction montage's icon to display it.


Area Measurement Demo

This video show how to measure areas and use them in a spreadsheet.

The steps shown are:

  • Create a simple spreadsheet.
  • Find a model montage to measure in Opal.
  • Type patient name and date into the spreadsheet.
  • Measure the area of a triangle and copy into the spreadsheet.
  • Measure the area of an arch and copy into the spreadsheet.
  • Calculate the ratio of areas.


OPAL Screenshots

July 10th, 2010
  • Some new Opal Explorer features in Opal 2.3.
    opal-search.gif opal-photos9.gif opal-mirror.gif
  • Some new Opal Image Viewer features in Opal 2.3.
    opalimg-bezier-curves.gif opalimg-undo.gif opalimg-eastman-only.gif
  • Some new Opal Tracing features in Opal 2.3.
    opaltrc-eastman-only.gif opaltrc-left-facing.gif opaltrc-left-facing-surg.gif opaltrc-save-as-svg.gif firefox-svg.gif inkscape-svg.gif
  • Image morphing.
    opal-predictionmontage.gif opal-predictionmorph.gif opal-morphinginprogress.gif
  • On-screen digitising.
  • Full graphical interface for file creation and manipulation.
    opal-newxray.gif xray-digitising.gif
  • Image storage and presentation capabilities.
    opal-files.gif opal-photos.gif opal-models.gif opal-xrays.gif
  • Digitising options: audio prompts, automatic magnification correction.
    options-digitising.gif options-misc.gif options-scaling.gif
  • Multiple cephalometric analyses - Eastman, OPAL, Steiner, Downs, Ricketts, McNamara.
    xray-analyses.gif xray-analysis-none.gif xray-analysis-eastman.gif xray-analysis-eastman-means.gif xray-analysis-opal.gif xray-analysis-opal-means.gif xray-analysis-steiner.gif xray-analysis-steiner-means.gif xray-analysis-downs.gif xray-analysis-downs-means.gif xray-analysis-ricketts.gif xray-analysis-ricketts-means.gif xray-analysis-mcnamara.gif xray-analysis-mcnamara-means.gif
  • Multiple display options.
    options-cephlines1.gif options-cephlines2.gif options-colours.gif options-attributes.gif options-outlines.gif options-points.gif options-super.gif
  • Mouse manipulation for orthodontic and surgical procedures.
    proc-tipui.gif proc-moveu6.gif proc-mro.gif proc-lefort.gif
  • Drag-and-drop superimpositions.